Speach of Mrs. Marie- Marthe Bruck- Clees at the Assembly
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Govor gospodje Marie- Marthe Bruck na Skupstini/ Saboru
Here is the speach of Mrs. Bruck- Clees. Procitajte govor gospodje Bruck- Clees.

  You are all concerned parents and you support your child in the exhausting fight for life.

You are the experts, as Professor Spinetta told at the opening session of SIOP in 1997 in Japan.

SIOP: The International Society of Paediatric Oncology. The Major global organisation concerned with the issues of children and young people who have cancer.
For the past 35 years SIOP has brought together doctors of many different disciplines to develop better care for this disease.
SIOP has developed an alliance with ICCCPO- The International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations, founded in May 1994 in Valencia-Spain.

ICCCPO is a worldwide network of organisations of parents of children with cancer.
Until now more than 45 nations are member.
The mission of SIOP and ICCCPO is to bring the best possible care for children with cancer to the farthest corners of the globe.

ICCCPO believes.
That every child with cancer regardless of financial or social class, race or native origin deserves access to the best possible treatment and medical care.
Two years ago active promotion has been undertaken to promote twinning programs in developing countries.

Luxembourg is a small country, the population adds up to 440 000 inhabitants, including about 30% of foreigners.
Our statut allow us to go beyond the aid which we allocate our families in Luxembourg.

Looking under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child every child has the right to:

Treatment of illness
Rehabilitation of health

Following the mission of ICCCPO we established some assistance programs.
So last 13th November when we had a meeting with your Minister of Health, the doctors and some parents we made an appeal to found a parent association in view of a twinning program with our association.

This has been done to day.

We sow, all at our level, small seeds and I believe that SIOP in partnership with ICCCPO can develop a greater alliance and we will get better results. But we need to involve also the different Ministries.

I want to thank all the people which are involved in the foundation of your association.

I wish you a great success.

I want to remind you the words that once a cancer sick child said:

I have it
I dont want it
I didnt ask for it
I cant give it back
It changed my life.

Thank you for your attention.

  Prevod na Bosanski/Hrvatski/Srpski
Svi ste Vi zabrinuti roditelji i Vi podrzavate Vase dijete u iscpljujucoj borbi za zivot.

Vi ste eksperti, kako je Profesor Spinneta i rekao na otvarajuci sesiju SIOP-a 1997.g. u Japanu.

SIOP: Medjunarodno udruzenje Pedijatrijske Onkologije. Najvaznija Asocijacija na Svijetu koja se brine o pitanjima djece i mladih ljudi koji imaju rak.

Za posljednjih 35 godina SIOP je objedinio doktore razlicitih disciplina kako bi zajednicki razvili bolje lijecenje ove bolesti.
SIOP je razvio savze sa ICCCPO- Medjunarodnom konfederacijom Organizacije roditelja ÄŤija djeca boluju od raka, koja je osnovana maja 1994.g. U valensiji- Spanija.

ICCCPO je svjetska mreza organizacija roditelja djece koja boluju od raka. Do sada je više od 45 zemjalja uclanjeno u ovu asocijaciju. Misija SIOP-a i ICCCPO je da donese najbolju mogucu brigu za djecu koja boluju od raka u najudaljenije uglove/kutove svijeta.

ICCCPO vjeruje da svako dijete koje boluje od raka bez obzira na finansijsku ili drustvenu klasu, rasu ili porijeklo zasluzuje najbolji moguci tretman i medicinsku pomoc. Prije dvije godine odrzana je i promocija “blizanac programa” kako bi se promovirao “blizanac program” u zemlajama u razvoju.

Luksemburg je mala zemlja ÄŤija je populacija oko 440.000 stanovnika, ukljucujuci i oko 30 % stranaca. Nas statut nam dozvoljava da idemo i iznad pomoci koju izdvajamo za nase porodice u Luksemburgu.

Na osnovu Konvencije o Pravima djece UN-a svako dijete ima pravo na:

Tretman u bolesti
Rehabilitaciju zdravlja

Slijedeci misiju ICCCPO uspostavili smo odredjene programme pomoci i asistencije. Tako smo prosle godine, 12.11.2002.g., imali sastanak sa vasim Ministrom zdravlja, doktorima i jednim brojem roditelja kako bi aplicirali za uspostavu asocijacije roditelja unutar “blizanac programa” sa nasom asocijacijom.

To je i uradjeno danas.

MI smo vidjeli, sve na nasem nivou, mala sjemena i ja vjerujem da SIOP u saradnji sa ICCCPO moze razviti jos veci savez i mi cemo moci dobiti cak i bolje rezultate. Ali moramo u ovo sve umijesati i razlicita ministarstva.

Zelim da se zahvalim svim ljudima koji su umijesani u uspostavu vase asocijaije.

Zelim vam veliki uspjeh.

Zelim vas podsjetiti na rijeci koje je jednom prilikom kazalo jedno dijete bolesno od raka:

Imam ga
Ne zelim ga
Nisam ga trazio
Ne mogu ga vratiti nazad
Promijenio je moj zivot.

Hvala vam na paznji.