Speach of Mr. Francois Schoentgen at the Assembly
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Govor gosp. Francois Schoentgena na Skupstini/ Saboru
Speach of Mr. Francois Schoentgen at the Assembly. Govor gospodina Francois Schoentgena na Skupstini/Saboru.

we are all together today to make a very important step, it is only due to a miracle that happened in Sarajevo and Luxemburg at the same moment a bit more than a year ago.

All started in December 2001 when I got the first message from Sabi informing me about Sameds case.

At the same moment one of my protegees, a poor refugee family from Kosovo had their car confiscated for having no valid luxemburgish driving license. In fact the authorities were late, very late.

I found this so injust that I fought against that decision with all my power will. I even sacrified a week of vacation.

On January 4th the family could recover the very old car only worth 1000 Euros

On January 6th I won a Mercedes coupe worth 33.000 Euros !

The family said to me- God has rewarded you

During all that time I was also fighting for Samed knowing that this battle would be very difficult to win.

The director of Air Rescue Luxemburg recommended to contact Mrs Bruck. What I did.

She promised to participate with a certain amount in financing the transplantationcosts we estimated at that moment at 50.000 Euros.

I thought things would prove easy but at a certain moment I had disastrous news for the Lepir family.

Samed was in a relapse phase. No transplantation would be possible

The final costs can be estimated at at least 100.000 Euros without complications and if there is a donor. A fortune nobody had at that moment. I was seriously thinking of selling the Mercedes. My will to help was not broken.

This was on Friday February 1st. But on Monday I was informed that Samed was in remission. I called Mrs Bruck immediatly because there would be no second remission, no second chance.

Mrs Bruck just told me I will give you the money

Two miracles together ! I discovered later that Sameds remission occured at the same moment when I informed Sabi that we would first need a remission.

You all know what happened next.

Thanks to the initiative of Mrs Bruck, Sameds case has showed us that we soon can help many children.

This is a perfect example illustrating what you can achieve in this life where we are all the time confronted to the choice between good and evil.

If you really choose good then you will be helped and this case shows how the good principle will be amplified.

Never give up your way to goodness.

My way led me to veganism.

My choice is absolute : I refrain from eating suffering !

I won the Mercedes not only because I helped poor people but because we buy our vegan food in a certain supermarket far away from our home There we filled in the winning ticket, one out of 1,3 millions.

It is sometimes hard to stay on the right path. Very often you will have to sacrify your ego to achieve goodness.

Remember this during critical moments : there is just one commandment..

Be creative !.


Prevod govora na nasem jeziku..Bosanski/Hrvatski/Srpski
Ako smo svi mi ovdje danas da napravimo veoma vazan korak, to je samo zahvaljujuci cudu koje se desilo u Sarajevu i Luksemburgu istoga trenutka malo vise od godinu dana unazad.

Naime, sve je pocelo Decembra 2001.g. kada sam primio prvu poruku od Sabahudina Hadzialica- Sabija u kojoj me informise o slucaju malog Sameda Lepira.
U tom tom trenutku- jedni od mojih sticenika, siromasna izbjeglicka porodica sa Kosova se suocila sa slucajem konfiskacije njihovog auta jer nisu posjedovali odgovarajucu saobracajnu dozvolu u Luksemburgu. No, u ovom slucaju su vlasti kasnile, veoma kasnile.
Smatrajuci da je ovo nepravicno borio sam se protiv te odluke svim snagama. Cak sam i zrtvovao sedmicu sopstvenog odmora.
Cetvrtog januara 2001.g. ta porodica je izvrsila povrat vozila vrijednog samo oko 1000 Eura odnosno oko 2000 konvertibilnih maraka.
Sestoga januara 2001.g. u nagradnoj igri sam dobio automobil Mercedes cupe vrijedan oko 65.000 konvertibilnih maraka.
Ta porodica mi je kazala: "Bog te je nagradio"
Tokom tog cijelog perioda vremena sam se takodjer borio za malog Sameda znajuci da ce ova bitka biti teska za dobiti.
Direktor "Avionske spasilacke sluzbe Luksemburga" mi je preporucio da kontaktiram gospodju Bruck. Ja sam to i uradio.
Obecala je da ce ucestvovati sa odredjenim iznosom novca u finansiranju troskova transplantacije koje smo u tom trenutku procijenjivali na oko 50.000 Eura odnosno 100.000 konvertibilnih maraka.
Mislio sam da ce se stvari lako poboljsati...ali u odredjenom trenutku sam imao razoÄŤaravajuce vijesti za porodicu Lepir.
Samed je bio u relaps fazi. Nikakva transplantacija nije bila moguca.
KonaÄŤni troskovi su procijenjeni na najmanje 100.000 Eura odnosno oko 200.000 konvertibilnih maraka i to u slucaju da se pronadje donator. Srecu nitko nije imao u tom trenutku. Ja sam ozbiljno razmisljao o prodaji Mercedesa. Moja zelja da pomognem nije bila slomljena.
To se desilo u petak, 1-og februara. Ali, u ponedjeljak sam obavijesten da je Samed bio u remisiji. Odmah sam pozvao gospodju Bruck jer nece biti druge remisije, nece biti druge šanse.
Gospodja Bruck je samo rekla: "Ja cu ti dati novac"
Dva cuda su se desila u isto vrijeme! Otkrio sam kasnije da se Samedova remisija pojavila istoga trenutka kada sam informisao Sabija da ce nam prvo trebati remisija.

Svi Vi znate sta se desilo kasnije.

Zahvaljujuci inicijativi gospodje Bruck, Samedov slucaj je pokazao da mi uskoro mozemo pomoci velikom broju djece.

Ovo je izvanredan primjer koji ilustrira sta mi mozemo postici u svom zivotu gdje smo cijelo vrijeme suprostavljeni unutar izbora izmedju dobra i zla.

Ako zaista izaberete dobro, u tom slucaju će Vam se pomoci a ovaj slucaj pokazuje kako se dobri principi mogu i pojacati.

Nikada nemojte odustati od svog puta ka dobrom.

Moj put me odveo ka veganizmu sto je specijalni oblik vegetarijanstva.

Moj izbor je apsolutan: Ja se uzdrzavam od hranjenja patnjom!

Ja sam dobio Mercedes ne samo sto sam pomogao siromasnim ljudima ali i zbog toga sto kupujem nasu "vegansku" hranu u odredjenoj prodavnici daleko od nase kuće. Tamo smo izvukli srecni tiket, jedan od 1,3 miliona.

Ponekad je tesko ostati na prvom putu. Nerijetko morate zrtvovati svoj ego kako bi dosegli dobrotu.

Zapamtite ovo tokom kritiÄŤnih trenutaka: postoji samo jedna zapovijest.

Budite kreativni!